Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The little things that can make me a little sad...

Through having C and knowing friends who have babies who have gone through intestinal surgery, open heart surgery, leukemia and having friends who have had late pregnancy losses... well, I feel silly over something so small.

We went to the eye dr. today. C's eyes have been crossing some. I guess I was just prepped that we were going to do surgery. I was ready for surgery, I was not ready for glasses.

She really does not need them for her actual vision. She is crossing one eye and not focusing as well as she used to. The dr. is hoping that by doing the glasses (bifocals at that!), she will strengthen by learning to focus better. That in turn will stop the crossing.

Maybe it's because I didn't get glasses until I was 39, and even then, I only wear them a couple times a month when my eyes are tired at work. Maybe it's because I was just noticing how amazing the colors of her eyes really are. I am afraid that the glasses will take away from that.

It doesn't matter what my problem is because yep, "Miss feisty, I WILL not even keep a barrett in my hair or a hat on my head", needs glasses. Realistically I have NO idea how we will ever keep glasses on her. I think soon enough the battle to keep glasses on a very strong willed 2 1/2 year old will make me forget all about what my problem was after all.


Misty said...

Understandable. But like any other challenge, you will rise up to it. And she will look adorable in them. They do have so many cute frames now. Can't wait to see pics of C in her new glasses. Once the crossing eye is strengthened, then will she still need to wear them?

Jennifer said...

Oh Peggy, I can't wait to hear how you keep 'em on her! I saw a little girl the other day, with glasses, and thought to myself how cute she looked in them. C is so cute...she will look adorable. Of course, that is if you can keep em on her! =)